virtual pro se clinic
The Colorado Lawyers Committee, in partnership with the Colorado Access to Justice Commission, operates the Virtual Pro Se Clinic (VPC), a Colorado pro bono program that delivers free monthly virtual legal clinics at public libraries for Coloradans who do not have an attorney. Volunteer attorneys spend 15-20 minutes meeting virtually with clinic patrons to answer questions and explain court procedures and processes in all areas of Colorado civil law.
Volunteer attorneys provide support from anywhere they have a webcam-equipped device and broadband access. At the other end of the computer link, VPC clinic patrons rely on existing public infrastructure with their local library’s computers and broadband.
All volunteer attorneys receive materials and one-on-one training via videoconference covering best practices guidance and ethical issues relating to pro se litigants, as well as a hands-on familiarization with the Zoom software. In each VPC clinic, an experienced attorney is available to assist as “second chair”, until the new volunteer is comfortable with the format, resources, subject material, and the technology.
At this time, the VPC clinics operate in two shifts from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Monday through Thursday in the first three weeks of each month. To help volunteer attorneys with the challenge of assisting with information on any Colorado civil issue, a website was created to provide volunteer attorneys one-click access to all the court forms, statutes, flow charts, court rules and instructions for over 100 different Colorado civil issues.
Volunteer attorneys receive CLE credit (at rate of five-to-one) for their VPC pro bono volunteer time, to a maximum of nine general CLE credits per 3-year compliance period.
Now in its twelfth year, the VPC program currently supports monthly free legal clinics at 27 local libraries in 16 Colorado counties, with additional locations being added each month. Speaking one-on-one with a knowledgeable volunteer attorney can make an enormous difference to pro se litigants by expanding access to legal support for underserved communities.
To join our email distribution list to learn about future clinic dates, fill out the form below.
Ric Morgan, an attorney, goat farmer and beloved member of Elbert County, founded the Virtual Pro Se Clinic in 2013 to address the gap in legal services in rural counties across Colorado. Following his untimely death in February, the Colorado Lawyers Committee and the Colorado Access to Justice Commission are committed to continuing the important service that the VPC has provided Colorado residents for over a decade, while maintaining Ric’s mission and honoring his legacy.